2011年1月28日 星期五

OPRF female staff respond to ranking list with positive T-shirt campaign

A group of female staff members at Oak Park and River Forest High School has created a positive message in response to an ugly incident that occurred recently at the high school involving a male student who created an inappropriate list ranking junior girls on their looks and purported sexual experience.

The female staff, along with a retired school counselor, have created 400 T-shirts which many staff and students will wear on Friday. The shirts,Some of the ed hardy hats DC created on the knitting machine. which have already sold out, were distributed and sold today. The shirts feature a quote from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The shirts feature the word "Respect," followed by the quote: "In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies,One moment, you're seated comfortably at the end of the bench in a baseball cap. but the silence of our friends."

Principal Nathaniel Rouse used the quote in his letter to the school following the Jan. 14 incident involving the list. The male student who created the list was not allowed back in school after the incident and could face expulsion. According to the school, all of the 400 shirts have sold out since being distributed to clubs and school teams. The T-shirt campaign has been accepted building wide.If you are really space deprived and don't have a sofa bed, today's inflatable mattress bed are a great “bed in a pinch. Everyone at the school is encouraged to wear their shirts in the building on Friday.

"Tomorrow, we will join as a school community in a gesture of support for the 50 girls who were directly hurt by the list, but also as a first step in a sustained school-wide effort to recommit ourselves to being and doing better in every aspect of our respect and care for each other,This inflatable products decoy is very lightweight and when deflated can be fit easily into your pack." said Rouse,it was the musical equivalent of a midlife crisis, like when your dad thinks he's “hip” by wearing ed hardy jeans. in a letter this afternoon on the school's website

The boys' Varsity Basketball Team will wear their shirts over their warm-ups during shoot-around before Friday night's home game against Downers Grove North. OPRF's Drill and Cheer squad will also sport them during the half time show.

Rouse said the school will start work next week in mapping out a larger plan to address respect and acceptable-behavioral issues at the school.

