2011年5月16日 星期一

there'd been a lunchtime punch-up on the subway

Earlier in the week, there'd been a lunchtime punch-up on the subway. A skinny drunken fellow, red-faced, maybe 27 or 28 years old and with a can of Carling balanced carefully on one knee, had been hit very hard on the nose. Very hard indeed. In front of him on the floor of the car was a spreading pool of blood and spilled beer. He held a paper napkin soaked with both pressed to his nostrils. He sat very still and very straight and from what he told the conductor through the napkin,Buy Pittsburgh swimwearbikinisiph from the Ultimate Sports Store. nothing much had happened,Nike air max tn was created in order to maintain a balance of the athletes' movement. just a "disagreement" among mates and that everything was fine, and that if only they would "please close the doors now please" and let the train go off, he "wouldn't inconvenience no one."

In light of an assault like this, and the ensuing mess of lager and bodily fluids, this, of course, they could not and would not do.Air max 2009 Running Shoe Flex grooves in the mid and outsole for flexibility . He refused very quietly to move. The coppers were called.

But here occurs the defining thing: That tipping moment of difference between this society and that one, between here and there, between them and us,1031 results like the East White blogoufmenshoodies Lamp. between crown and colony.

Or possibly not.

Rather than handcuff and haul away this sad, polite young man already ruined by drink and humiliated by fistic mischief, the coppers and the trainsmen conferred in whispers and then asked the several hundred rest of us to de-train.what really makes my heart go pitter-patter with excitement are Knee High Boots. Sober and unpunched, this we did.

And from the platform, we all watched as that train pulled slowly away, so very slowly, silent and entirely empty but for two unsmiling bobbies on either side of a young man sitting very straight, chin up, a puddle of blood at his feet and his pointed shoes polished to a perfect mirror shine.

