2011年5月30日 星期一

World War II POW shares harrowing tale

At the corner of Northwest 41st Avenue and 16th Terrace, in a plain brown two-bedroom duplex, lives a true American hero: 95-year-old Clair "Rusty" Swarmer was held as a prisoner of war in Germany for the duration of World War II, mainly at the infamous Stalag 17B.

"All of this is ancient history," said Swarmer with the wave of his hand,Nike Air trainers began life as the Cheap nike air max back in 1987. almost dismissing the medals and artifacts from the 3? worst years of his life, when he was routinely beaten, starved and deprived of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

It was January 3, 1942,We can gurantee you that all Nike shox running shoes,sold at our website are with high quality. and he had just landed in North Africa for the first time on New Year's Day — less than a month after the Japanese had bombed Pearl Harbor. Swarmer and his crewmates had made a bombing run on a bay in Tunis and were heading back to base when they flew through enemy fire.

"We had two engines shot out, a third engine missing and a fourth barely hanging on," Swarmer recalled with amazing detail. "We were approaching the Atlas Mountains. We were losing altitude, and it was a matter of crash into the mountains or crash-land into the desert, so we did that."

The pilot put the plane down in the sands of the North African desert. The next day, their pilot, who had gone to look for help, was captured and led German troops to the plane. Swarmer and a fellow airman were ordered out of the plane and the Germans fired a machine gun at their feet when they came out holding their rifles above their heads.coogi jeans for sale to men with low price and top quality.

From there, the men wound up in Frankfurt and were interrogated. They crossed into Poland and were taken to a camp there. Within months,As it's called Nike shox classic, which is one of the classical style of nike lineup.Nike shox are a series of Nike shoes. Swarmer was at Stalag 17B in Austria, made famous in a Broadway play, written by fellow POWs Donald Bevan and Edmund Trzcinski, and a William Holden movie.

