2011年4月25日 星期一

Denim Day promotes sexual assault awareness

“Ask me why I’m wearing jeans,” reads a sticker you will see members of the UW-Milwaukee community wearing on Wednesday, April 27. For a college population that wears jeans almost every day, what special meaning will it have if you wear them on April 27?

The day is called Denim Day, and we will be wearing denim to create sexual assault awareness and confront victim-blaming attitudes.Air max classic is a high top sneaker that comes in numerous color ups. People will be participating throughout Milwaukee and the whole state of Wisconsin, and support stickers will be available ahead of time at UWM in Sandburg, Cambridge Commons,Air max 2009 Running Shoe Flex grooves in the mid and outsole for flexibility . Riverview,what really makes my heart go pitter-patter with excitement are Knee High Boots. the Union Atrium and the Women’s Resource Center.

Denim Day originated out of a court case with a woman who was raped by her driving instructor, but her case was overturned when the chief judge declared that, “… because the victim wore very, very tight jeans, she had to help him remove them … and by removing the jeans … it was no longer rape but consensual sex.”

No matter what a person is wearing, unwanted sexual contact is never acceptable.Via Trading carries a wide range of branded wholesale shoes from famous specialty shoe stores and retail chains at a fraction of their original value. Unfortunately, sexual assault is all too prevalent. According to the Rape,Find an Adidas Jacket in your team colors or from your favorite soccer teams that wear the Adidas brand. Abuse, and Incest National Network, someone is sexually assaulted every two minutes.

Sexual assault affects everyone. Not sure how it impacts you? You might have a loved one who is a survivor, or maybe you yourself are a survivor. You might be concerned about how to reduce your risk of being victimized. Maybe you are committed to not perpetrating sexual violence yourself. You might be going into a profession where you are in contact with concerns of sexual violence. Maybe you are a person who cares about having a safe environment for everyone.

Let’s be a campus that stands up to sexual assault. There are many steps each one of us can take to move toward ending the culture of sexual assault. We can listen without judgment to the stories of survivors. We can ask about and respect our partner’s boundaries. We can make a conscious effort not to laugh along with sexist jokes. We can look out for a friend who has had too much to drink at a party.

How are you going to be a part of the solution? I am going to start by putting on a pair of jeans and a sticker on Denim Day and I will engage in conversations about sexual assault awareness with my fellow students.

