2011年3月10日 星期四

Button Up

With less than 2 weeks to go until baby #4, I'm obviously not sporting my "normal" skinny (or any of my "normal", for that matter,) jeans. With that being said, the low riding pants are still options that I love to utilize … and with the help of "The 'Belly' Button", I'm able to do it!

Local lady Lauren Copeland had managed a boutique and spent many a day helping other women find the perfect fitting pair of jeans. "I saw a trend," she says; "many fit great everywhere but were a little too snug in the waist, causing that unsightly muffin top.MBT Sport Shoes are an extremely popular choice." And so, she created The "Belly" Buttton,Naax Fashion Textile is a wholesale jeans dealer who trades with young-fashion . fashionable button extenders that allow you to strut your stuff in those great fitting jeans that perhaps are a tad too tight in the tummy. Not only are these a great addition to your maternity wear, but they're also super for the jeans that go untouched in your closet.A sport jacket suit, is a tailored coat for men. You know, the ones you are always waiting to "get back into".This pair of Nike Birds nest shoes is a sign of your love.

Coming in packs of 3, the stylish accessories are not only fabulously fun, they are also most functional. Simply attach them to the existing button and loop them through the button hole to attach with a seamless effort. At $10.99, it's a small price to pay for the many wears you'll get out of them - and the jeans you thought you'd never wear again.The first time that I saw Lanvin Shoes was about two years ago.

