2011年3月14日 星期一

Yankees create buzz at Space Coast Stadium

That the 27-time World Series champion New York Yankees were en route to Space Coast Stadium to play the Washington Nationals on Saturday was enough to draw fans to prime autograph and viewing spots well before the team's expected arrival.coogi jeans was founded in 1969 by Jacky Taranto of Melbourne, Australia.

Normally when opposing teams show up for a spring training game with the Nationals they are greeted by a smattering of fans eager for a smile for the camera moment or a signature or two.

But four hours before on a 42-degree morning?

Hey, it's the Yankees.

Among them was Mike Sunde of Palm Bay, who was on station along the fence bordering the visiting team's entrance to the stadium.

Sunde, a stadium season ticket holder and a long-time Yankee fan, arrived at 7 a.m. for one reason: Yankee second baseman Robinson Cano who was expected to be one of the few marquee players making the journey.The Hunts Point produce market in the Bronx is being wooed by New wholesale jersey.

"I've got a bat I'd like to have autographed and I want to be in a position on the fence where I'll have access," said Sunde, 62, an Air Force retiree.

"They're not bringing the starting infield so I don't think it (the autograph line) is going to be as big as anticipated but I'm not going to take a chance at being in the back of the line either.Enjoy Cheap nike air max for women or men at wholesale price."

Sunde didn't get his autograph -- he said Cano didn't stop to sign -- but undeterred he took another shot in the camera bay where autograph seekers congregate before every game.

Mike Murphy, 20, of Melbourne, also wasn't taking any chances, having arrived at 6:30 a.m. in search for whatever autographs he could get.

"I've been a Yankee fan for about 15 years," said Murphy, a Brevard Community College student, substitute teacher and tutor.

That he didn't have a ticket for the sold out game didn't matter.

'I'll just wait out here for autographs," he said.

Sam Jillette, 16, of Melbourne, a Viera High student and Brevard County Manatees bat boy, isn't a Yankee fan -- his New England accent gave away his Boston Red Sox allegiance -- but he too was in search of Cano.

"I like getting autographs," he said.Another challenge has been for shoe stores based internationally to obtain genuine wholesale shoes from the United States. "It's a hobby. I'm hoping I can get a really good one today. You've got to get a good spot.let's be honest: putting on a brand new pair of Nike shox running shoes feels amazing."

