2011年6月1日 星期三

Dear Aunt Grace

Memorial Day is a time for remembering those who fought and died defending the democracy of our great nation. If you run into any of our troops, please stop to thank them and say a prayer for them as they go on their way. Flag etiquette: Our American flag flies at half-staff until Noon on Memorial Day When you stand to sing or listen to our national anthem, remove your hats/caps and place your hand over your heart. This is how we honor our flag and our country.Childs' collection of about 600 pairs of high heels is on display at the Yakima Valley Museum for the rest of this year.

At a recent event at the Dixie Center,Air max 360 is loved by the majority of athletes and the general public people. a group of us had a discussion about texting. You already know how I feel about rude cell phone use, but apparently we need to explore the use of texting. I am amazed that anyone would think that it would be all right to break off any kind of relationship by texting. This is not me being “old fashioned”! This is me saying that it is rude and cowardly to tell a girlfriend/boyfriend that you do not wish to see them again, to tell a roommate that they need to move, to quit a job, to end any kind of relationship by texting. Personal relationships require personal, up-front, face-to-face conversation. Be brave!

During the same event at the Dixie,what really makes my heart go pitter-patter with excitement are Knee High Boots. the audience was asked to please turn off their cell phones during the performance.Find an Adidas Jacket in your team colors or from your favorite soccer teams that wear the Adidas brand. The theater was pitch black except for the lights on the stage; however,Whether you going to practice and need athletic shoes and a sport bag or just lounging at the house puma shoes and PUMA clothing have got you covered. the man across the aisle from me was texting. The light of his phone disturbed everyone around him. He didn't go running out of the theater, so I knew it was not an emergency. What is so important that it can't wait for a few hours? Really folks, just turn off your phones, sit back and relax.

Basically the same rules for cell phone calls apply to texting. This is from a previous column: My general guidance on this subject is…the person you are physically with at the time is more important and takes precedence over your cell call (and that includes texting!) If you are expecting an important business call, advise the person you are with ahead of time and excuse yourself when the call (or text) arrives. There are very few scenarios I can think of that cannot wait until after you have your lunch or dinner. If you absolutely need to make a call or return a text, go to their designated area or step outside.

