2011年6月1日 星期三

Jerome: Season of lethargy upon us

You have to love this time of year.
Every day, daylight stretches deeper into the evening, giving us all precious extra hours for ever-longer afternoon naps.
Yes, the season for summertime inactivities is upon us, and it is incumbent to become recumbent as soon and frequently as possible. The days are few and fleeting. To fritter them away pushing a lawnmower or wielding a rake offends the sensibilities.
It is a near unforgivable sin of technology that air conditioning, under the guise of comfort, has robbed us of our season of lethargy. It used to be said that “only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the noonday sun.” Not so when virtually every square foot of interior space is refrigerated to within a degree of the health department standard for the preservation of fresh meat.
Now that we lack the once-irrefutable argument that by mid-afternoon it’s too hot too work, that life is best preserved by the application of heels, back and backside to the upper surface of hammock or chaise lounge, we waste June by plugging away like it’s January.Air max 2009 Running Shoe Flex grooves in the mid and outsole for flexibility .
That just isn’t the way it should be.
Summer is high season for recreational slumber. Sunset near news-time tempts us to stay up too late and early birds noisily squabbling over the less-celebrated early worm disrupt the morning at an unconscionably early hour.
Those two seasonal phenomena combine to make a bit of midday shut-eye both restorative and keenly pleasurable.Childs’ collection of about 600 pairs of high heels is on display at the Yakima Valley Museum for the rest of this year.
But for most of us, catching a nap five days out of seven is pretty much incompatible with continued employment.
Still, a summer’s nap is as different from midwinter slumber as a dark brewed porter is from a fizzy Corona with lime. Winter sleeping is serious stuff, wrapped and swaddled, weighted down with stew and potatoes into a deep, snoring oblivion, biding time until the first thaw.
A summer’s nap is lighter stuff, properly done al fresco beneath a spreading shade tree with green unmown grass beneath. It’s a snooze that celebrates a glorious effortlessness of being, a sense of lush summer abundance, an abandonment of care and caution to the certainty that at least for the moment, all is well with the world.
It’s a time to stretch out and doze, letting dreams—and a reality so long-awaited it seems like a dream — intermingle like the sun and shade from the evershifting leaves and branches above.
It’s no mystery that baseball is the quintessential summer pastime. A game, any game, droning from a tinny radio sets a perfect counterpoint to the birds and the breeze and the overheard schadenfreude of an unfortunate neighbor pressed into cutting his grass.Find an Adidas Jacket in your team colors or from your favorite soccer teams that wear the Adidas brand. It’s the beauty of baseball that you can doze off in the bottom of the second, catch a play or two in the fifth, drowse until eight and nine and still thoroughly enjoy the game — though you never did quite figure out who it was that was playing.Air max 360 is loved by the majority of athletes and the general public people.
It’s summer. Who cares?
Even diehard fans wait until the fall, when baseball competes with furnace cleaning and the NFL, to notice who stands where in the playoff race.
In the summer there is no racing except among the swooping bats competing for the fattest mosquito — the one recently slowed by its feast on your own personal corpuscles. But there are no skeeters in the afternoon.
And well before evening the scent of barbeque wafting up the street whets a new appetite, and as night falls a soft touch and smoky look whets another.
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